Sjakk-bøker Taktikk, kombinasjoner og angrep Kombinasjonsoppgaver

The Big Book of Chess Tactics

En imponerende og stor innbundet taktikkbok som viser de viktige temaene i tur og orden og etterpå tester oss grundig i mange oppgaver.

Det er en utvidet og redigert utgave av bøkene Tactical Targets in Chess som først utkom i 1999. Posisjonelle ofre er lagt til som nytt kapittel, og med flere ferske partieksempler.

Både diagrammer, sidedesign og løsninger er stort og tydelig presentert på cirka 800 sider! I tillegg forteller forfatteren faktisk litt om mange av spillerne bak kombinasjonene.

Forlagets egen omtale

This book, a result of thorough compiling work over two decades, is intended to give the reader an overall guide to chess tactics. The idea of the compilation arose from a comment made by one of the best chess tacticians, the late world champion, Mikhail Tal: “It is unlikely that a new original chess combination occurs in the present advance state of chess.”

The Big Book of Chess Tactics is a comprehensive book about chess tactics. The first main part deals with the combinations in which you gain decisive material advantages. In the second part, after studying how to save your game in difficult situations i.e: how to take the game to a draw instead of losing it, you will fins all kinds of mate combinations classified into a coherent system.

The concept of this system was introduced into the practice of teaching chess in primary and secondary schools with the aim of learning and improving the student’s skills and this practice has operated for some 15 years. The method and the system of this book can be used by beginners to enable them to reach club player level and thence as part of their development to become professional chess players should they desire.GM Peter Leko and GM Csaba Balogh are two examples of chess players. They used, studied, and very much liked this book which, among others, helped them get to the top.

Utgivelsesdato November 2016
Pris 720 NOK
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Detaljert info
Innbundet? Ja
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 797