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The Catalan vs the Semi-Slav,

Chebanenko and Triangle DVD

6 timers lærerik DVD med Mihail Marin om å spille g3 og Lg2 - Katalansk oppstilling i dronninggambit - også når svart spiller et helt tidlig c6 og gjerne vinner en bonde med dxc4, mens hvit satser på sterkt spill i sentrum.

Dette er krevende systemer for begge spillere, men desto bedre at forklaringene kommer fra den behagelige og proffe rumenske stormesteren Marin.

ChessBase sin egen omtale:

The Semi-Slav, Chebanenko system and the Slav triangle are solid and flexible weapons for Black. The repertoire examined on this DVD meets them all in a provocative way. In order to avoid reaching a somewhat passive Catalan setup, Black has to get out of his comfort zone and accept

the pawn sacrifice on c4. White’s compensation typically consists of an advance in development and a space advantage in the centre and play frequently acquires a neo-romantic character. There are lines where it is hard to prove an objective advantage for White in analysis mode, but Black’s route to a safe position is not simple, either.

In over-the-board play White has excellent chances for maintaining the initiative for a long time. A compact and promising repertoire for active players.

  • Video running time: 6 hours (English)

  • With interactive training including video feedback

  • Extra: Training with ChessBase apps - Memorize the opening repertoire and play key positions against Fritz on various levels

  • Database with model games

Mihail Marin, born in 1965, has several times been Romanian champion and first made the leap over the Elo barrier of 2600 in 2001. Marin possesses a rare gift for a grandmaster - he is able to explain in readily comprehensible terms the ideas behind moves, variations and positions. This ability is

there for all to admire in his contributions to ChessBase Magazine. Marin has written some books which have earned the highest of praise, among which are “Secrets of Chess Defence” and “Learn from the legends”.


Dual Core


Windows 7 or higher

DirectX11 graphics card with 256 MB RAM

DVD-ROM drive

Windows Media Player 9

ChessBase 14/Fritz 16 or included Reader

internet access for program activation.


PC Intel i5 (Quadcore)


Windows 10


graphics card with 512 MB RAM or more

100% DirectX10-compatible sound card

Windows Media Player 11

DVD-ROM drive

internet access for program activation.
Nivå C-D
Utgivelsesdato August 2021
Pris 340 NOK
Legg i handlevognen
Detaljert info
Type DVD
Språk Engelsk
Spilletid 06:00