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The Correct Exchange in the Endgame Extended 2018

Nivå C-D
Utgivelsesdato Januar 2018
Pris 280 NOK
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En utvidet utgave, med drøyt 30 sider ekstra, av stormester Rozentalis sin bok som fikk en god mottagelse.

Daglig får sjakkspillere og -publikum påminnelser om hvor viktig og vanskelig det er å vurdere hvilke avbytter som lønner seg og ikke i sluttspillene.

Forordet til den nye utgaven

In the Informant 120 I published an article “Going for a pawn ending — calculate the right exchange”. Having received much positive feedback, I considered writing a book on this subject: how to decide about the transition to a pawn ending. However recently an excellent book “Liquidation on the Chess Board” has been written by Joel Benjamin and this persuaded me to reconsider the general concept and change the subject to the exchange of pieces in the endgame.

When should we exchange a piece in the endgame and when should we keep it? Why is it so important? How to make a right choice? In this book we examine different types of endings and offer guidance to decide upon the correct decision. We will focus mainly on the exchange of pieces, not pawns. The exchange of pawns will be the subject of a separate book.

Going through the instructive examples and numerous exercises you will see all the important aspects of the piece exchange in the endgame, and enrich your knowledge and understanding of the final stage of the chess game. Trying to solve the positions, you will certainly improve your decision-making ability and analysing skills.

The first edition of the book was very well accepted by chess players of different levels. Many chess coaches and teachers found it useful for their training programs.

Omtalen vår av den første utgaven av boka

Denne nye boka går rett på det evige spørsmålet: bytte eller ikke bytte? Vår Norgeskjenning stormester Rozentalis konsentrerer seg her om sluttspillet, og så gjelder det: Bytte brikker (nå), eller spille tålmodig videre?

Denne overkommelige boka har fine eksempler, flere av dem fra partier som Rozentalis har spilt selv, og i tillegg et antall treningsoppgaver der leseren skal ta beslutningen "bytte eller ikke bytte"?

Forlagets omtale

The endgame is the most complicated erea of chess. In his book GM Rozentalis looks at some of the most important questions: the connection between the opening and the endgame, when to exchange, bishops against knights, be patient or just simplify.

Along the way he gives a word of advice when to calculate as exactly as possible and when to rely on your acquired knowledge. He presents many examples from his own experiences where the reader is well guided and eventually is provided with a clear solution.

This book is highly recommended to all players as well as anyone who is coaching and cares for the pure understanding in the endgame.

Grandmaster Eduardas Rozentalis was champion of Lithuania twice. In between 1985 until now he won 45 international tournaments, played for many european different clubteams and in 10 Chess Olympiads for Lithuania.

Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 165

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  • The Correct Exchange in the Endgame

    Denne nye boka går rett på det evige spørsmålet: bytte eller ikke bytte? Vår Norgeskjenning stormester Rozentalis konsentrerer seg her om sluttspillet, og så gjelder det: Bytte brikker (nå), eller spille tålmodig videre?

    August 2016