Nivå | C-D |
Utgivelsesdato | November 2022 |
Forfatter | |
Pris | 270 NOK |
The Hidden Laws of Chess
Volume One: Mastering Pawn StructuresEn ekstra velredigert lære- og treningsbok om spill med ulike bondestrukturer, med målet å løfte eleven viktige steg fra vanlig greit klubbnivå og opp til mesterstyrke, som er forfatterens ambisiøse ærend.
IM Nick Maatman leverer faktisk en imponerende bra bok særlig for spillere med ratingnivå cirka 1500 - 2000. Han er konkret med både gjennomganger og Quiz-oppgaver, og ikke minst oppsummeringer om "hemmelighetene" (nøklene) for hvert kapittel. Samtidig er han både prinsipiell, leseverdig og filosofisk i innledningene sine underveis.
Forlagets egen omtale:
Have you ever wondered why strong chess players immediately grasp what is happening in complex positions? The secret is pawn structures. The pawn structure dictates the game's flow, and different structures require distinct approaches. You can improve your game by studying a large variety of pawn structures and the Hidden Laws of Chess.
IM Nick Maatman invented the Hidden Laws of Chess as an instructional tool to help his students bridge the gap between the basic understanding of a club player and the next level of knowledge of Masters and Grandmasters. A grandmaster knows from experience what pieces to exchange when facing an isolated pawn, while a club player wonders if he should keep his rooks on the board - or not.
The Hidden laws go one level deeper than the basic laws on piece development, king safety or material balance. The Hidden Laws will uncover elements such as space, the quality of a pawn structure, and a doubled pawn's strength or weakness. Maatman will answer questions like: Are backward pawns the worst in chess? What is the value of a space advantage? Could doubled pawns be an asset? How can I win symmetrical positions?
Using his coaching experience and writing with a touch of science and philosophy, Maatman will guide any ambitious chess player to the next level. His book contains dozens of actionable tips, instructive games and carefully selected exercises.
Nick Maatman (1995) is an International Master, experienced chess coach, and training partner of Super-GM Jorden van Foreest. Maatman has won the Dutch U20 Championship and has beaten many strong grandmasters in tournament games. The Hidden Laws of Chess is his first book, but he expects many more to follow. He graduated from Groningen University in both Business and Philosophy.
007 Foreword by Jorden van Foreest
009 Introduction
015 Chapter 1 Preview exercises
016 Space advantage
036 Quiz
039 Chapter 2 Preview exercises
040 Doubled pawns
060 Quiz
062 Chapter 3 Preview exercises
063 Backward pawn
084 Quiz
087 Chapter 4 Preview exercises
088 Isolani
117 Quiz
120 Chapter 5 Preview exercises
121 Hanging pawns
140 Quiz
142 Chapter 6 Preview exercises
143 Mobile pawn centre
165 Quiz
167 Chapter 7 Preview exercises
168 Locked pawn centre
192 Quiz
195 Chapter 8 Preview exercises
196 Symmetry
220 Quiz
222 Chapter 9 Solutions
249 Index of names
252 Chess terminology
255 Bibliography
Innbundet? | Nei |
Type | Bok |
Språk | Engelsk |
Antall sider | 256 |
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