Sjakk-bøker Tenking og psykologi

The Improving Chess Thinker 2nd

Et hederlig forsøk på en moderne, populær bok om det krevende temaet sjakktenking for alminnelige spillere under stormesternivå... Denne nye utgaven av Heismans bok har 308 sider mens den forrige hadde 220.

En slik bok kan være et interessant supplement til det aller viktigste som er å lære (mer) sjakk. Et helt nytt kapittel i denne andreutgaven heter "The Most Common Thought Process Mistakes".

Nivå B-D
Utgivelsesdato Juli 2014
Pris 275 NOK
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Forlagets egen omtale

Chessplayers wishing to improve their performance typically seek to deepen their middlegame understanding or to increase their endgame knowledge. Often, however, the real key to improvement lies not in learning additional ideas and positions, but in developing a more effective thinking process at the board.

In The Improving Chess Thinker, acclaimed chess instructor Dan Heisman compares how chessplayers of different strengths – ranging from beginner to International Master – approach analytical positions. From this, he draws lessons that will help players at each level to avoid typical flaws in their thought process and to move up to the next level.

Basing his work on more than four decades of testing volunteers, Heisman offers solutions to difficult practical issues such as deciding how much time to spend on a move; what to do while the opponent’s clock is running; and when to stop analyzing a line. In this book, ambitious players will find insight into what’s been holding them back, while coaches will find powerful new teaching tools.

007 Preface to the First Edition
008 Preface to the Second Edition
009 Introduction
016 The Exercise
024 Chapter 2. Thought Process Basics
027 Class F
040 Class E
060 Class D
078 Class C
100 Class B
119 Class A
140 Expert and Above
171 Thought Process Basics
185 The Thinking Cap
224 The Most common Thought Process Mistakes
253 The Basics of Time Management
263 Beyond the Exercise
282 Additional exercise and Lesson Tales
286 Appendix A: Dr. Max Euwe Protocol of 'de Groot A'
290 Appendix B: Computer Analysis of the de Groot Positions
297 Glossary
308 Bibliography
310 About the Author
Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 309

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  • The Improving Chess Thinker

    En bok som konkret søker å gå inn på sjakktenkning for ulike nivåer framfor alt under mesterstyrke. Dan Heisman innleder med å fortelle at han er særlig interessert i spørsmålene 1) Hvordan lærer sjakkspillere og gjør framgang? og 2) Hvordan tenker sjakkspillere under et parti?

    Oktober 2009