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The London System - properly played

Nivå B-D
Utgivelsesdato Desember 2016
Pris 240 NOK
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Enda en bok om London-systemet der hvit starter med d4, Sf3 og Lf4, og (også) denne dekker bare systemer med d5 fra svarts side.

Forfatteren kommer blant annet med alternativer for hvit til dem Avrukh behandler i "Grandmaster Repertoire 11".

For nesten ti år siden kom Schmücker med en annen bok om "London", og denne nye er nesten helt nyskrevet da åpningen i denne åpningen er så sterkt videreutviklet i tidsrommet og har gjort et inntog helt til verdenseliten med Carlsen, Kramnik, Gritsjuk og andre. Forfatteren opplyser også at han denne gang har sjekket variantene med Stockfish 5 og Komodo 9.

Forlagets egen omtale

When the author’s first book about the London System was published a decade ago, this opening was almost exclusively played among amateurs.

However, within the last years many things have happened, even including some sort of breakthrough on the highest level! And so none other than world champion Magnus Carlsen has developed such a liking for the London System, that he has used it even in important games and has achieved a number of nice victories.

And he is by no means the only top player, as Kramnik, Grischuk and others have added it to their repertoire, too. The absolute guru of the London System, however, is and remains GM Gata Kamsky. He trusts it and applies it since his childhood, so to speak, and he sees no reason to change his mind.

Meanwhile the London System has stepped out of the shadows, and so its surprise factor has lost some significance. However, this increase in publicity has no impact on its overall reliability because, on the other hand, its advantages have remained.

  • It's easy to learn.
  • It's extremely solid.
  • It's often underestimated.
  • It leads to interesting positions.
  • It leaves space for own ideas.

Mostly due to the quality of computer analysis, the opening theory of the London System has evolved tremendously. And so in almost every chapter improvements are to be found, just waiting for a chance to be tried out in practice!

Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 103

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