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The Modernized Reti extended 2nd

A complete Repertoire for White

En oppdatert utgave av denne store boka om å spille Retis åpning 1 Sf3.

Fra forordet:

Contrary to what the critical pessimists might say, the Reti opening is an ambitious weapon for White. By avoiding the main theoretical debates, White tries to reach an unbalanced position from an early stage of the game, with many different plans being available. This is exactly what I found attractive when I started to play the Reti.

Because of course, I didn’t always play the Reti. At first, I was a pure 1.d4 player. But on numerous occasions, during my preparations, I felt as if I was stuck and being caught in a dead end. For instance, when I had to investigate very complicated lines (as you encounter in the Slav Defence, but many others as well). I thought that I was far from getting any advantage in these openings. And even if I could manage, the positions reached were very classical, and my opponents most likely under-stood them well. That’s why I started to play 1.Nf3 from time to time, but at first without knowing much theory.

It really came as a breath of fresh airto my chess games, and I enjoyed it. In 2013, I decided to go one step further, and build a complete repertoire for my games with 1.Nf3. I did that with my friend IM Romain Picard. We were in the same spirit (even if he is an 1.e4 player, we could find much common ground with our Reti). Of course, when you leave the center to your opponent, you must be very careful not to end up worse after the opening. But I was satisfied with most of the work we did together. About one year ago, Romain Edouard offered me the possibility to write this book.

Utgivelsesdato 2018
Pris 375 NOK
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Om forfatteren Adrien Demuth

En begavet ung fransk stormester, som samtidig også er master i matematikk. Demuths første bok "The Modernized Reti" fikk straks status som en klassisker om denne åpningen.
Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Førsteutgave år 2017
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 448