Sjakk-bøker Åpningsbøker 1 e4-åpninger Siciliansk

The Najdorf in Black and White

Utgivelsesdato April 2018
Pris 195 NOK
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En oppdatert, kompetent og nøye utvalgt presentasjon av de viktige variantene i Najdorf-Siciliansk, gjennom 29 instruktivt kommenterte partier på høyt nivå, pluss noen supplerende partier. Forfatteren er den eneste stormesteren fra Alaska!

Forlagets egen omtale:

In many ways, the Najdorf Sicilian is the ideal defense against 1.e4 - aggressive and leading to creative and exciting play, allowing Black to play for a win and yet unquestionably sound. Despite the Najdorf's great popularity and reputation as a theoretical labyrinth, Bryan Smith believes it is possible to play it "by the light of nature," with experience providing a guide. The play is concrete and sharp, but original positions can be obtained fairly early.

The twenty-nine annotated games in this book were carefully selected for their instructional value, their theoretical relevance, and - most of all - their esthetic appeal. Designed both for players of the Najdorf and for those facing it, The Najdorf in Black and White is a collection of creative and unique battles that you can use to learn the ins and outs of this opening

Om forfatteren Bryan Smith

Amerikansk stormester, den eneste fra Alaska! Har vunnet flere turnerniger og også utmerket med videoopplæring.
Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 162