Sjakk-bøker Åpningsbøker 1 e4-åpninger Andre åpne spill (1 e4 e5)

The Open Games with Black

En bok med svartrepertoar 1 e4 e5, unntatt spansk. Den unge forfatteren velger blant annet Prøyssisk 3... Sf6 mot 3 Lc4, 4... Sf6 mot Skotsk og 3... Sf6 mot Kongegambit 3 Sf3.

Nivå B-D
Utgivelsesdato November 2015
Pris 295 NOK
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Forlagets egen omtale

1...e5 enjoys an excellent reputation as a reliable defence against White’s most popular opening choice, 1 e4.

However, anyone who is primed to face the Ruy Lopez must also be prepared to face a number of White alternatives.

This collection of variations make up the Open Games and include not only popular choices such as the Italian Game, Scotch Game, Bishop’s Opening, King’s Gambit, Vienna Game and Four Knights, but also many tricky sidelines and some wild and wacky gambits.

Many of these might not be theoretically strong but can be both daunting and dangerous for the uninformed player.

In this book, FIDE Master Martin Lokander tackles all these lines head on and presents a practical repertoire for Black in the Open Games.

This book tells you everything you need to know about facing the Open Games when White avoids the Ruy Lopez.

  • Essential reading for 1...e5 players
  • Every opening bar the Ruy Lopez is covered
  • Packed with new ideas and critical analysis
003 About the author
005 Bibliography
007 Foreword Nils Grandelius
009 Introduction
013 1 The Quiet Two Knights
061 2 The Fun Two Knights
111 3 The Remaining Two Knights
142 4 The Scotch Game
177 5 The Scotch Four Knights
202 6 The Spanish Four Knights
231 7 The Remaining Four Knights
252 8 The Bishop’s Game and Vienna Gambit
290 9 The King’s Gambit
321 10 The Centre Game
344 11 Odds and Ends
376 Index of Variations
383 Index of Complete Games
Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 384