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The Secret Ingredient to Winning at Chess

En slovakisk og en tsjekkisk stormester samarbeider om en verdifull bok som bidrar til å fortelle hvordan gjøre framgang til et høyt nivå i sjakk. Her er det ekstra mange nyttige tips for spillere fra ratingnivå 1500 og oppover.

En slik bok som er vanskelig å plassere i en kategori. Her handler det om både taktikk og strategi, praktisk psykologi, forberedelser og trening. Boka kommer i alle fall foreløpig "bare" i innbundet utgave.

Forlagets egen omtale:

The Secret Ingredient is a grandmaster guide to maximizing your chess results, focusing on key elements of practical play which have received little to no attention in previous chess literature.

How exactly can we best make use of computers? What’s the ideal, step-by-step way to prepare against a specific opponent? How can we optimize our time management at the board? And what’s the one key skill that separates the best players from those who have yet to reach their full potential? GM Jan Markos sheds light on these topics and many more, helped by the world-class insights of his good friend GM David Navara.

Jan Markos is a Slovakian grandmaster and trainer. His previous book, Under the Surface, was the English Chess Federation’s 2018 Book of the Year.

David Navara is a ten-time Czech Champion and a world-class grandmaster. He is noted for combining fighting spirit with outstanding sportsmanship.

De 10 kapitlene i boka:

  • 1 An Ordinary Day at Work 9
  • 2 One Number is Not Enough 29
  • 3 Coming of Age 49
  • 4 Taming the Time 69
  • 5 Draw Smog 91
  • 6 I Feel, Therefore I Am 113
  • 7 Capablanca Analytica 133
  • 8 A Treat for the Opponent 161
  • 9 Train Hard, Fight Easy 183
  • 10 The Codex of Practical Chess 209

Fra forordet til Jan Markos:

My goal is simple: I want to help you avoid as many disastrous defeats (like the one I suffered in the last round in Oropesa del Mar) as possible. I’ll show you what a real fight on the chessboard is all about. And I would like you to learn how to hold your ground in this fight. I’ll tell you how to cope with stress, how to use your time efficiently and how to make well-reasoned decisions. I’ll show you how to prepare for every individual opponent and how to play endgames in 30-second rhythm. In short, this book wants to teach you how to win at chess.

Nivå C-D
Utgivelsesdato Juni 2021
Pris 310 NOK
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The Secret Ingredient to Winning at Chess

Detaljert info
Innbundet? Ja
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 222