Sjakk-bøker Taktikk, kombinasjoner og angrep Kombinasjonsoppgaver

The Tactician's Handbook

En ganske avansert taktikkbok om og med flere elegante temaer som tidligere har vært presentert i små enkeltbøker og her er samlet i konsentrert form av stormester Karsten Müller. Mønstrene vises gjennom mange uvanlige delikate eksempler.

Temaene blir gjennomgått i tur og orden, og deretter får leseren et antall direkte oppgaver å løse på hvert område.

Forlagets egen omtale

In the late 1990s five books were released, each dedicated to a unique tactical theme, and each with approximately 100 pages. Written by the late Russian correspondence master Victor Charushin, the books were:

  • Alekhine’s Block
  • Combination Cross
  • Lasker’s Combination
  • Mitrofanov’s Deflection
  • The Steeplechase.

They were very well-received by chessplayers everywhere. And, in fact, Charushin had written two more books in the series, Domination, and Less Common Combinations, but these were never released.

For this edition of The Tactician’s Handbook, German grandmaster Karsten Müller has carefully reviewed and then selected the material he thought most enlightening. Then instructive exercises were added.

All the analysis has been checked by the silicon monster, while Charushin’s notes and comments were revised where necessary. All seven titles were then combined into one comprehensive volume.

Add to that a foreword by one of the great tacticians of our time, Hungarian grandmaster Judit Polgar, and the result is an excellent, instructive handbook covering some of the most exciting tactics in chess.

The Tactician’s Handbook is sure to provide you with many hours of enjoyment and instruction!

Nivå C-D
Utgivelsesdato Juni 2017
Pris 270 NOK
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Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 240