Sjakk-bøker Åpningsbøker 1 e4-åpninger Siciliansk

The Taimanov Bible

En skikkelig seriøs ny bok om å spille Taimanov-varianten i siciliansk med svart.

Det er en nyere utgave: The Taimanov Bible (utg. 2) [PAPERBACK]

Forfatterne foreskriver å bruke den litt sjeldne trekkrekkefølgen 1 e4 c5 2 Sf3 Sc6 3 d4 cxd4 4 Sxd4 Dc7 og først etter 5 Sc3 e6, som de fleste spiller i trekk 2.

Forlagets egen omtale

The Sicilian Taimanov is one of the greatest dynamic opening choices for Black. The resulting positions are rich in dynamic, positional and strategic play.

The authors have delivered a user-friendly work for players of all levels. Nowadays, chess players are overwhelmed with piles of information and endless databases. It is very difficult to choose "your own variations" and therefore this book will surely come as a great additional help.

In addition to the basic Taimanov ideas, the authors followed in an original manner two main concepts:

  1. ‘almost never play an early …d6’ (Scheveningen style)
  2. ‘push …h5 whenever you can’ (Paulsen style).

At the end of the book they carefully selected some practical exercises, enabling you to even improve your knowledge of this up-to-date Taimanov Bible.

Fra forordet

We have to admit that the idea of writing a book was planned for quite some time, but we hesitated to take that step.

Why? In today's era of computers we receive daily a sea of information. It's difficult to write something that will have a lasting impact with an important theoretical value.

However, the wish prevailed to display the genesis of the Taimanov that lasts for more than twenty years in our chess careers. With great pride we can state that the majority of the experts of our Sicilian friend comes from Serbia , starting from the legendary Milan Matulovic to Slavoljub Marjanovic, Dusan Rajkovic , Branko Damljanovic , Igor Miladinovic... and this was surely an additional motivation to write this book . We have tried to deliver a user - friendly style for all levels of the players. Nowadays, chess players are overwhelmed with piles of information and endless databases. It is very difficult to choose " your variations” and therefore this book will surely come as a great additional help. In addition to the basic Taimanov ideas we had to keep , we followed in an original manner our two main concepts : ‘almost never play an early ...d6’ (Scheveningen style) and ‘push ...h5 whenever you can’ (Paulsen style). We have tried to demonstrate the classic game for the type of positions that occurs in the Taimanov, in order to make our readers primarily able to familiarize themselves with the basic motifs and ideas of this Sicilian. When we believed the variations to be sharp and complicated , we have offered two possible continuations. The latest fashion which we have to mention , did not even exist when we started to write our book, meaning the 7. Qf3 line. Readers will have the choice between the peaceful 7... Bd6 or 7...d6 where we head to a sharp Sicilian, true in its style. In the famous English attack with ‘ Be3 – Qd2 – 0-0-0 ’

Nivå C-D
Utgivelsesdato Mai 2016
Pris 355 NOK
Legg i handlevognen
Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 356

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