Sjakk-bøker Åpningsbøker 1 d4-åpninger Andre åpninger med 1 d4

The Tricky Tromp

Utgivelsesdato November 2024
Pris 285 NOK
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IM Richard Palliser outlines a combative Trompowsky (1. d4 Nf6 2. Bg5) repertoire for White. The lines analysed deal with all of Black’s common responses. A perennial favourite of creative players, the ‘Tromp’ sets Black complex problems from the very beginning.

IM Richard Palliser is a highly experienced chess writer and opening expert, having worked closely with Gawain Jones and Simon Williams.

003 About the Author
005 Bibliography
006 Introduction
008 1) 2...Ne4 3 h4 c5
056 2) 2...Ne4 3 h4 d5
082 3) 2...Ne4 3 h4: 3...Nxg5, 3...c6 and 3...h6
096 4) 2...Ne4 3 Bh4
119 5) 2...c5 3 d5
146 6) 2...c5 3 Bxf6
161 7) 2...e6 3 Nd2
214 8) 2...d5 3 Nd2
256 9) Rare Lines
269 Index of Variations
Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 272