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The Two-Move Chess Problem (AGBC 16)

Utgivelsesdato August 2024
Pris 140 NOK
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The mate in two chess problems is the most popular category of problems because they can be solved by nearly everybody, simply through the process of elimination. That, however, does not mean that they are easy to solve, are not artistic, elegant, or even outright brilliant.

In this work by the renowned writer, editor, and chess problem composer, B. G. Laws (1861-1931) goes over the details involved in composing two-move chess problems, both from practical and aesthetical perspectives, and for all the details that go into making a chess problem work.

In addition to the detailed discussion of chess problems, there is a section with problems by many of the leading composers of his time.

In this new edition, FIDE Master Carsten Hansenthoroughly reanalyzed all of the compositions and analyses and made the material accessible to modern readers and fans of chess problems.

003 Editor's Notes
004 The Two-Move Chess Problem
005 Chapter I - Introduction
009 Chapter II - The Old Masters
017 Chapter III - Classes of Problems
021 Chapter IV - Definitions
026 Chapter V - Beauty or Merit of Solution
057 Chapter VI - Construction
092 Chapter VII - Difficulty of Solution
101 Chapter VIII - Selected Problems
111 Index of Composers
112 Other Books from Alexander Game Books
Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 115