Utgivelsesdato | April 2019 |
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Pris | 330 NOK |
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Den imøtesette boka fra to svensker som ble stormestere på deres "egen hakkespettmetode", som handler om mange og enda flere gjentagelser av taktikkøvelser. En stor bok med bl.a. 1128 taktikkoppgaver av økende vanskelighet.
Oppgavene er delt i de tre kapitlene Easy, Intermediate og Advanced, og alle mulige temaer og sluttresultat seier eller remis er blandet sammen, som i virkelighetens sjakkpartier.
Dette er en bok og en metode av ytterst praktisk vinkling, for å oppnå bedre sjakkresultater. Da gjelder det å lære og så trene på å gjenkjenne ulike mønstre. Høres selvfølgelig ut, men er her brakt mer i system enn vi ofte hører og leser. For eksempel i innledningen: "Before you play a move in a game, you only need to make sure that it's the best. Later decisions can be taken later." ...
Det er også en bok som motiverer til omfattende disiplinert trening, som faktisk tar ganske mye tid.
The Woodpecker Method is the name given by Axel Smith to a training system developed by his compatriot and co-author Hans Tikkanen. After training with his method in 2010, Tikkanen achieved three GM norms within a seven-week period.
The quick explanation of the Woodpecker Method is that you need to solve a large number of puzzles in a row; then solve the same puzzles again and again, only faster. It’s not a lazy shortcut to success – hard work is required. But the reward can be re-programming your unconscious mind. Benefits include sharper tactical vision, fewer blunders, better play when in time trouble and improved intuition.
This book contains everything you need to carry out your own Woodpecker training. Smith and Tikkanen explain how to get the maximum benefit from the method, before presenting over 1100 puzzles and solutions, all of which have been checked and double-checked for accuracy and suitability.
GM Axel Smith is the award-winning author of Pump Up Your Rating and e3 Poison, both of which were enthusiastically received by readers and reviewers. Using the Woodpecker as part of his training, as an adult he improved from a rating of 2100 to becoming a Grandmaster.
GM Hans Tikkanen is a four-time Swedish Champion whose live rating peaked over 2600. His interest in chess-improvement methods, and how they work, led him to study for a degree in psychology.
As mentioned above, I trained with the Woodpecker Method in the spring of 2010. That summer, I achieved three GM norms and surpassed the 2500 barrier, all within a seven-week period. The positive effects did not stop there: the following year, my live rating briefly peaked at 2601. Such quick results from any type of chess training are rare in my experience, but for me the Woodpecker Method seemed to be just what the doctor ordered! The increased tactical acuity and consistency that came from working so hard with the method significantly decreased my blunders and made me more confident at the board.
Would I have made the same improvement with some other type of training? It’s not impossible – but my playing strength had not taken any significant leap in years, so I had been at a loss as to what to do differently to succeed. Although the Woodpecker Method probably wasn’t the only way for me to raise my play, it certainly proved to be away. The intersection of my interest in the human mind and my motivation to stop blundering surely helped me to devote more time and effort than I would have put into my usual training.
Utgivelsesdato | April 2019 |
Forfatter | |
Pris | 330 NOK |
Vi tilbyr dennne boken også i innbundet utgave. Pris 385kr.
Innbundet? | Nei |
Type | Bok |
Førsteutgave år | 2018 |
Språk | Engelsk |
Antall sider | 328 |