Sjakk-bøker Sjakktrening og læring, generelt

Together with Morozevich

Calculation training tools and practical decision making
Nivå C-D
Utgivelsesdato September 2017
Pris 260 NOK
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En blandet treningsbok bygget over partier av virtuose Aleksander Morozevich, og presentert av hans trener i en tiårsperiode, stormester Aleksei Kuzmin. Dette er høyt nivå, strengt tatt en bok for mesterspillere, men kan nytes av mange flere.

Forlagets omtale:

This book invites the reader to enter the wonderful elite chess world with one of the most creative GM's of all time. It tells about his approach to the core of fighting, about his strongest points but also about his weaknesses. It presents real masterpieces and hurtfull losses.

However the author not only shows a panorama of his creativity but also offers the reader to think over the problems together with 'Moro'. You can simply take place in his seat, look through his eyes and finally play like Morozevich!

Fra forfatterens forord:

Two special circumstances brought about my writing of this book. The first one comes from the year 2006. One day at the Turin Chess Olympiad, where I had been working as a coach for the team from Qatar, a famous grandmas- ter from the Russian team came up to me. We weren’t closely acquainted, al- though both of us were born in Moscow and lived there. Up to this moment, our relationship had been mainly limited to some short greetings when oc- casionally meeting at different tournaments.

“I like your articles about openings,” he said, “and I know you worked with Anatoly Karpov before. If your interest in such kind of work is still burning we could meet on the rest-day and speak about it?” So began my collaboration with Alexander Morozevich — which lasted more than eight years up to the termination of his active professional chess career. Th e second impulse to write this book was...another book. It was written by two outstanding Czech Grandmasters, Vlastimil Hort and Vlastimil Jansa,
and published in the USSR in the late 70s. This book contained 230 test positions from the authors’ games, as well as their precise and sometimes rather ironic comments. In my childhood, like many other young chess players in the Soviet Union, I worked with this book — and it impressed me enormously. The
title was ‘Together With Grandmasters’... later also issued in English under the title ‘The Best Move’.


The book ‘Together With Morozevich’ is neither a selection of his best games nor an ordinary collection of test positions. It rather presents some special kind of synthesis. Two treatments, or it could be said two views, of this book’s content are avail- able: a) These are test positions with the solutions commented in detail; b) These are fragments from the games, with the entire games commented in detail — with separately grouped (for working convenience) test-po- sitions to be solved.

So, the book consists of separately grouped test-positions and their solutions. All of them were taken from the games of Morozevich, some of them positions from variations which might have occurred but were not realized in the games. "I have been trying to play interesting fighting chess and complicated battles on the chessboard have always given me real pleasure." Alexander Morozevich

Alexey Kuzmin was born in 1963, Moscow, Russia. He was the champion of the Central Chess Club of the USSR in 1985 and Moscow 1986. Having won the round-robin tournament in Managua 1987, he became an IM and earned his GM title in 1995. Alexey was the winner of a number of international competitions and so on he entered the top 100 of the world rating list. In 2004 he ended his active playing career.

Alexey has been working as a professional coach more than 30 years. He was the second of the 12th World Champion Anatoly Karpov during the years of his struggle against Garry Kasparov (1987-1991). Since 1992 he was the appraised coach of the Qatar National team. In 2004, Alexey achieved the "FIDE Senior Trainer" title. In the period from 2006 until 2015, he worked as a second of GM Alexander Morozevich, the candidate to the World Champions title.

Alexey wrote the column "Kuzmins Harvest" in the "YB-NIC". Since 2008, he wrote "The actual theory with Alexey Kuzmin" in the monthly Russian magazine "64 - Chess Observer", being the permanent writer for the "ChessBase Magazine" since 2008.

Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 265

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