Nivå | B-D |
Utgivelsesdato | November 2011 |
Forfatter | |
Pris | 285 NOK |
Understanding Chess Middlegames
Featuring the 100 most important middlegames ideasJohn Nunn er et av de sikreste kvalitetsstemplene på en sjakkbok, og her kommer hans grunnleggende opus om midtspillet! Etter en solid innledning gjennomgår han 100 ulike temaer innen strategi og angrepskunst.
Hvert av temaene illustreres med to eksempler, som dels er hele partier og dels partiforløp fra en stilling. En ny Nunn-bok som temmelig sikkert får en sterk posisjon innen instruktiv, nyttig sjakklæring. Den søker nettopp å være grunnleggende og ikke altfor dyptpløyende og vidløftig, men er selvfølgelig ikke banal. Vi mener den vil passe særlig godt for hele spekteret av spillere med ratingstyrke fra omlag 11-1200 til 2100.
Kapitlene i boka
- Material Imbalances 21
- 1 Advantage of the Exchange 24
- 2 Rook vs Two Minor Pieces 26
- 3 Piece for Three Pawns 28
- 4 Queen vs Rook and Minor Piece 30
- 5 Queen vs Two Rooks 32
- 6 Queen vs Three Minor Pieces 34
- 7 Queen vs Two Minor Pieces 36
- 8 Playing with an Extra Pawn 38
- 9 Playing with a Pawn Less 40
- 10 Bishop vs Knight (1) 42
- 11 Bishop vs Knight (2) 44
- 12 The Two Bishops 46
- Strategy 48
- 13 Creating a Plan 50
- 14 When You Can’t Think of a Plan 52
- 15 Central Pawns 54
- 16 Improving Piece Position 56
- 17 Space Advantage 58
- 18 Manoeuvring 60
- 19 Liquidating to an Endgame 62
- 20 Using the Whole Board 64
- 21 The Minority Attack 66
- 22 Inferior Positions 68
- Activity 70
- 23 The Curse of Passivity 72
- 24 The Initiative 74
- 25 Open Files 76
- 26 The Seventh Rank 78
- 27 Outposts 80
- 28 The Dominant Knight 82
- 29 Misplaced Piece 84
- 30 Good and Bad Bishops 86
- 31 When a Bad Bishop is Good 88
- 32 Opening Lines 90
- 33 Positional Pawn Sacrifices 92
- 34 Liberating Moves 94
- 35 Positional Exchange Sacrifices 96
- 36 Other Positional Sacrifices 98
- Attacking Play 100
- 37 King in the Centre 102
- 38 The Íxh7+ Sacrifice (1) 104
- 39 The Íxh7+ Sacrifice (2) 106
- 40 Disaster on g7 108
- 41 The Íxh6 Sacrifice 110
- 42 The Weak f7-Square 112
- 43 The Nd5 Sacrifice in the Sicilian 114
- 44 The Nxe6 Sacrifice in the Sicilian 116
- 45 The Nf5 Sacrifice in the Sicilian 118
- 46 ...Rxc3 in the Sicilian 120
- 47 Castling on Opposite Sides 122
- 48 The Rook-Lift 124
- 49 Advancing Pawns against the Enemy King 126
- 50 Bringing up the Reserves 128
- 51 Excluding Defensive Pieces 130
- 52 Opening Files against the King 132
- 53 Attack against the Fianchetto 134
- 54 The Deadly Long Diagonal 136
- 55 Marginal Sacrifices 138
- 56 Breakthrough to the King 140
- 57 The All-Out Attack 142
- 58 Surprise Moves 144
- Defensive Play 146
- 59 The Risks of Attacking 148
- 60 Exchanging Attacking Pieces 150
- 61 Avoiding Weaknesses 152
- 62 The Defensive Sacrifice 154
- 63 Coolness under Fire 156
- 64 Running with the King 158
- 65 Counter-Attack 160
- 66 Don’t Panic! 162
- Pawn-Structure 164
- 67 Isolated Pawns 166
- 68 The IQP 168
- 69 Hanging Pawns 170
- 70 Doubled Pawns 172
- 71 Two Bishops vs Doubled Pawns 174
- 72 Backward Pawns 176
- 73 Pawn-Islands 178
- 74 Weak Colour Complex 180
- 75 The Central Passed Pawn 182
- 76 Queenside and Kingside Majorities 184
- 77 Pawn Breakthrough 186
- 78 Pawn-Chains 188
- 79 Pawn-Chains and Space Advantages 190
- 80 Sacrificial Demolition of Pawn-Chains 192
- Typical Central Pawn-Formations 194
- 81 The Open Centre 196
- 82 The Open e-File Centre 198
- 83 Closed Ruy Lopez Structure 200
- 84 French Winawer Structure 202
- 85 Sicilian Scheveningen Structure 204
- 86 Sicilian Najdorf Structure 206
- 87 Caro-Kann Structure 208
- 88 Sämisch King’s Indian Structure 210
- 89 Benoni Structure 212
- Typical Mistakes 214
- 90 Falling into Traps 216
- 91 Underestimating an Attack 218
- 92 Overestimating an Attack 220
- 93 Missing a Tactical Defence 222
- 94 Overvaluing a Material Advantage 224
- 95 Overvaluing the Two Bishops 226
- 96 Automatically Accepting Sacrifices 228
- 97 Lack of Alertness 230
- 98 Allowing a Swindle 232
- 99 Losing the Thread 234
- 100 Giving Up 236
- Index of Games 238
Innbundet? | Nei |
Type | Bok |
Språk | Engelsk |
Antall sider | 239 |