Nivå | B-D |
Utgivelsesdato | 2001 |
Forfatter | |
Pris | 295 NOK |
Understanding Chess Move by Move
John Nunn leverer alltid gode produkter. Denne boka har blitt ekstra populær fordi forfatteren her - i motsetning til sjakkbøker flest - faktisk forklarer partiene trekk for trekk helt fra start til slutt.
Dermed får du en god innføring i både åpningen og midtspillet og i et par av partiene over i sluttspillet. En ideell bok for den som kan ta seg god tid og lære desto mer av mesterpartier som ofte blir kommentert "over hodet" på alminnelige klubbspillere. Den inneholder 30 flotte og lærerike partier spilt på 90-tallet og fram til år 2000.
5 Symbols
6 Introduction
8 1 Opening Themes
9 1 Get the Pieces Out (Chernin-Van der Wiel)
14 2 King in the Centre (Khalifman-Sveshnikov)
19 3 Successful Control of the Centre (Aseev-Rashkovsky)
26 4 An Over-Extended Pawn-Centre (Van der Wiel-Vaganian)
31 5 Modern Gambit Play (Markowski-Onishchuk)
38 2 Middlegame Themes
38 2.1 Attacking Play
39 6 Basic Attacking Ideas (Kasparov-Short)
45 7 Bring Up the Reserves (Kasparov-Karpov)
56 8 Standard Sacrifices (Shirov-Reinderman)
64 9 The All-Out Sacrificial Onslaught (Nunn-Nataf)
70 10 Opposite-Side Castling (Nunn-Ward)
77 11 The Deadly Long Diagonal (Timman-J. Polgar)
87 2.2 Defensive Play
88 12 Don't Panic (Rotsagov-Lanka)
96 13 The Defensive Sacrifice (Lalic-Khalifman)
103 14 Defence and Counter-Attack (Bu Xiangzhi-Ye Jiangchuan)
111 15 Grim Defence (Kramnik-Anand)
119 2.3 Positional Play
120 16 Bad Pawn-Structure (Kasparov-I.Sokolov)
127 17 Space Advantage (Karpov-Ribli)
136 18 Outpost (Piket-Smirin)
143 19 Open File (Short-Timman)
149 20 Weak Colour Complex (Kasparov-Shirov)
158 21 The Queenside Attack (Yermolinsky-Christiansen)
165 22 The Two Bishops (M.Gurevich-Miezis)
176 23 Bad Bishops (Stean-Sax)
182 24 Pawn-Chain Play (San Segundo-Topalov)
191 25 Exploiting the Isolated d-Pawn (Kamsky-Karpov)
201 26 The Isolated d-Pawn Triumphs (Kamsky-Short)
208 27 Positional Sacrifices (Lautier-Shirov)
215 3 Endgame Themes
215 28 The Active King (Smyslov-Sax)
223 29 The Power of Passed Pawns (Kramnik-Svidler)
240 30 Rook on the Seventh (Handoko-Xu Jun)
240 Index of Players
6 Introduction
8 1 Opening Themes
9 1 Get the Pieces Out (Chernin-Van der Wiel)
14 2 King in the Centre (Khalifman-Sveshnikov)
19 3 Successful Control of the Centre (Aseev-Rashkovsky)
26 4 An Over-Extended Pawn-Centre (Van der Wiel-Vaganian)
31 5 Modern Gambit Play (Markowski-Onishchuk)
38 2 Middlegame Themes
38 2.1 Attacking Play
39 6 Basic Attacking Ideas (Kasparov-Short)
45 7 Bring Up the Reserves (Kasparov-Karpov)
56 8 Standard Sacrifices (Shirov-Reinderman)
64 9 The All-Out Sacrificial Onslaught (Nunn-Nataf)
70 10 Opposite-Side Castling (Nunn-Ward)
77 11 The Deadly Long Diagonal (Timman-J. Polgar)
87 2.2 Defensive Play
88 12 Don't Panic (Rotsagov-Lanka)
96 13 The Defensive Sacrifice (Lalic-Khalifman)
103 14 Defence and Counter-Attack (Bu Xiangzhi-Ye Jiangchuan)
111 15 Grim Defence (Kramnik-Anand)
119 2.3 Positional Play
120 16 Bad Pawn-Structure (Kasparov-I.Sokolov)
127 17 Space Advantage (Karpov-Ribli)
136 18 Outpost (Piket-Smirin)
143 19 Open File (Short-Timman)
149 20 Weak Colour Complex (Kasparov-Shirov)
158 21 The Queenside Attack (Yermolinsky-Christiansen)
165 22 The Two Bishops (M.Gurevich-Miezis)
176 23 Bad Bishops (Stean-Sax)
182 24 Pawn-Chain Play (San Segundo-Topalov)
191 25 Exploiting the Isolated d-Pawn (Kamsky-Karpov)
201 26 The Isolated d-Pawn Triumphs (Kamsky-Short)
208 27 Positional Sacrifices (Lautier-Shirov)
215 3 Endgame Themes
215 28 The Active King (Smyslov-Sax)
223 29 The Power of Passed Pawns (Kramnik-Svidler)
240 30 Rook on the Seventh (Handoko-Xu Jun)
240 Index of Players
Innbundet? | Nei |
Type | Bok |
Språk | Engelsk |
Antall sider | 240 |