Understanding Middlegame Strategies Vol.8 - French - Winawer

Utgivelsesdato November 2023
Pris 410 NOK
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Spilletid video 3 timer og 55 minutter

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The French is a complex opening and can lead to a wide variety of middlegames. The Winawer after 3...Bb4 is Black’s most proactive option, immediately weakening White’s pawn structure by doubling their c-pawns.

This is what is delivered:
  • Fritztrainer App for Windows and Mac
  • Available as download
  • {% elif has_chessbase_booklet_variation %0
  • Available as download or booklet
  • Video course with a running time of approx. 4-8 hrs.
  • Repertoire database: save and integrate Fritztrainer games into your own repertoire (in WebApp Opening or in ChessBase)
  • Interactive exercises with video feedback: the authors present exercises and key positions, the user has to enter the solution. With video feedback (also on mistakes) and further explanations.
  • Sample games as a ChessBase database.
  • New: many Fritztrainer now also available as stream in the ChessBase video portal!
That's what the FritzTrainer App can do for you:
  • Videos can run in the Fritztrainer app or in the ChessBase program with board graphics, notation and a large function bar
  • Analysis engine can be switched on at any time
  • Video pause for manual navigation and analysis in game notation
  • Input of your own variations, engine analysis, with storage in the game
  • Learn variations: view specific lines in the ChessBase WebApp Opening with autoplay, memorize variations and practise transformation (initial position - final position).
  • Active opening training: selected opening positions are transferred to the ChessBase WebApp Fritz-online. In a match against Fritz you test your new knowledge and actively play the new opening.
Even more possibilities: Start FritzTrainer in the ChessBase program!
  • The database with all games and analyses can be opened directly.
  • Games can be easily added to the opening reference.
  • Direct evaluation with game reference, games can be replayed on the analysis board
  • Your own variations are saved and can be added to the own repertoire
  • Replay training
  • LiveBook active
  • All engines installed in ChessBase can be started for the analysis
  • Assisted Analysis
  • Print notation and diagrams (for worksheets)
French - Winawer
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 Bb4
Game 1: Fischer - Larsen
Game 2: Spassky - Korchnoi
Game 3: Ivkov - Portisch
Game 4: Anand - Nikolic
Game 5: Santos - Rapport
Game 6: Anand - Ponomariov
Game 7: Ponomariov - Ivanchuk
Bonus: 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.e5 Nfd7 5.f4 c5 Nunn - Korchnoi
Exercise 1: Anand - Nikolic
Exercise 2: Anand - Ponomariov
Exercise 3: Anand - Ponomariov
Exercise 4: Fischer - Larsen
Exercise 5: Fischer - Larsen
Exercise 6: Ivkov - Portisch
Exercise 7: Ponomariov - Ivanchuk
Exercise 8: Spassky - Korchnoi
Practice positions
Position 1
Position 2
Position 3
Detaljert info
Utgave Nedlasting
Type DVD
Språk Engelsk