Nivå | C-D |
Utgivelsesdato | Januar 2020 |
Forfatter | |
Pris | 270 NOK |
Understanding Rook vs. Minor Piece Endgames
En konsentrert innholdsrik bok om sluttspill med tårn mot lette offiserer. Her er både forklarende tekst, teori, praksis og testoppgaver til leseren, og alle analyser opp til og med sju brikker er Tablebase-datasjekket presis sannhet.
Selve sluttspilleksperten stormester Karsten Müller er hovedforfatter i samarbeid med datamannen Yskov Konoval, og så har stormester Alex Fishbein skrevet forordet. Det i seg selv interessante innledende kapitlet i boka er: "The History of Creating Seven-Piece Endgame Tablesbases".
Forlagets egen omtale:
A Journey into the Land of Rook vs. Minor Piece Endgames: Knowing the abilities and limitations of the minor pieces and their cooperation with a rook is very valuable for mastering the secrets of the royal game and this can be studied best in the endgame. The book before you now will take you into a mysterious and charming world. The actors in these fairy-tale stories are the rook, the bishop, and the knight.
This book is the third volume in the authors’ acclaimed Understanding Endgames series. It follows a dual philosophy, like their previous works, Understanding Rook Endgames and Understanding Minor Piece Endgames. It deals with seven-piece minor-piece endings in some detail. These endgames are often so deep that pre-tablebase analysis almost always contained errors.
Many new discoveries are revealed here. In addition, the authors emphasize the important five- and six-piece endings every club player should know. But to really understand minor piece endings, these theoretical positions are of course not enough. Sub-chapters on the principles of each material configuration have therefore been added.
“If you enjoy beauty in chess, if you want to improve your handling of the endgame, and if you want to become closer friends with the rook, bishop, and knight on the chessboard, then this journey into the land of rook and minor piece endgames will reward you.” – from the Foreword by Alex Fishbein
Innbundet? | Nei |
Type | Bok |
Språk | Engelsk |
Antall sider | 232 |
Produktet er en del av serien Understanding Endgames
En ny og ekstra moderne serie av sluttspillbøker med den tyske stormesteren Karsten Müller som hovedforfatter sammen med den russiske sjakkspilleren og dataeksperten Yakov Konoval, og med bidrag fra andre dyktige folk. Hver bok gir både teori, praksis og trening.