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Universal Chess Training

Utgivelsesdato Desember 2020
Pris 370 NOK
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En skikkelig treningsbok der stormesteren serverer moderne midtspillstillinger fra virkelighetens verden og gjennomgår løsningene mer enn vanlig forklarrende og grundig. Strategi og taktikk, angrep og forsvar osv.

En bok for spillere fra ratingnivå cirka 1600 og oppover, ifølge forfatteren.

Forlagets egen omtale:

Are you struggling with your chess development? While dedicating hours and hours on improving your craft, your rating simply does not want to move upwards? Spending loads of money on chess books and DVDs, but feeling no real improvement at all? No worries – the book that you are holding in your hands might represent a game changer!

Years of coaching experience as well as independent research has allowed the author to identify the key skills that will enhance the progress of just about any player rated between 1600 and 2500. Becoming a strong chess thinker is namely not only reserved exclusively for elite players, but actually constitutes the cornerstone of chess training, being no less important than memorising opening theory, acquiring middlegame knowledge or practising endgames.

By studying this book, you will:

– learn how to universally deal with any position you might encounter in your games, even if you happen to see it for the first time in your life, – have the opportunity to solve 90 unique, hand-picked puzzles, extensively annotated and peculiarly organised for the Readers’ optimal learning effect, – gain access to more than 300 pages of original grandmaster thoughts and advice, leaving you awestruck and hungry for more afterwards!


Wojciech Moranda (1988), Grandmaster since 2009, rated FIDE >2600 in standard/rapid/blitz. Poland’s TOP 7 player (February 2020) and FIDE TOP 100 in Rapid (2018). Member of top teams from the German (Schachfreunde Berlin), Belgian (Cercle d’Échecs Fontainois) and Swedish (Visby Schackklubb) league. Captain of the third best Polish team (Wieża Pęgów) as well as the PRO Chess League team, The New York Marshalls.

Fra forfatterens forord:

To devise something truly instructive in this area I investigated a few thousand games of my students. My purpose was to seek to establish what type of mental mistakes they made most frequently. The results of my research surprised me. I discovered that whether the given player was rated 1600 or 2500 they were all most likely to experience difficulties when making use of the following five skills:

  • 1.Anticipation & Prophylaxis
  • 2.Attack & Defense
  • 3.Coordination
  • 4.Statics & Dynamics
  • 5.Weakness

Statistically speaking, the above five skills were involved in more than 80% of the strategic problems my students were facing in their games. I quickly realized that mastering these five skills would mean that only 20%, or every fifth problem, would potentially come as a surprise to them. Taking an important exam and knowing upfront 80% of the material discussed therein sounds like quite a competitive edge to me!

As you can tell by now these skills are not something particularly concrete, but rather a general set of skills. Moreover, they are necessary if you are to learn the skill of handling your pieces properly. It will enable you to apply all the knowledge you have in practice. However, calling them ‘soft skills’ is not sufficient. I, therefore, preferto speak of them as ‘Universal Chess Training’, because knowing them will most certainly help you play a good move whether the position seems familiar or not.

And this is exactly what this book is all about.

Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 360