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Wilhelm Steinitz 1st World Chess Champion

Nivå B-D
Utgivelsesdato Desember 2014
Pris 285 NOK
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Endelig en både overkommelig, leseverdig og samtidig seriøs bok om første verdensmester Wilhelm Steinitz. To dyktige russiske sjakkhistorikere i engelsk oversettelse. GM Karsten Müller supplerer med moderne analyser av mange partier, og Andy Soltis har skrevet forordet.

Forlagets egen omtale

World Chess Champion Series

The first official world champion, Wilhelm Steinitz was a towering figure in the chess world in the last quarter of the 19th century. For nearly three decades, he never lost a serious match.

His opening innovations have resonated for more than a century. For example, for those who do not wish to meet the Ruy Lopez with 3...a6, the Steinitz Defense, 3...d6, may still be one of the best ways to meet the “Spanish Torture.”

In the early 1870s, he formulated a positional approach that served as the foundation of modern chess. And his pioneering work on chess theory has been a major, enduring influence since it was postulated.

Moreover, if we think of his achievements as a writer, not just as a player, Steinitz was unique. Few authors before or since even come close. And none of his great successors could match his versatility and output.

Isaak Linder is regarded as one of the pre-eminent chess historians of the modern era. He is the author of many books, including the widely acclaimed books in the World Chess Champions Series.

Vladimir Linder is one of the best known sport journalists in Russia. He is also the co-author, with his father Isaak Linder, of many books, including the widely acclaimed books in the World Chess Champion Series.

Foreword by Andy Soltis

006 Foreword by Andy Soltis
008 Key Dates and Events
014 Prologue
Chapter 1: Life and Fate
015 Childhood
015 Viennese Student
019 Family
020 Personality
021 Curiosities
022 Austria
022 England
023 Germany
024 Russia
026 Cuba
027 United States
Chapter 2: Matches, Tournaments, Rivals
029 Tournaments
029 Matches
029 The London Toumaments, 1862, 1866, 1872, 1883, 1899
032 Serafino Dubois
033 Dubois-Steinitz Match, 1862
035 Joseph Blackbume
036 Blackbume-Steinitz matches, 1862-1863, 1863, 1870, 1876
040 Augustus Mongredien
040 Mongredien-Steinitz Match, 1863
041 Cecil Valentine D~ Vere
042 De Vere-Steinitz Match, 1865
045 Adolf Anderssen
049 Anderssen-Steinitz Match, 1866
055 Henry Edward Bird
058 Bird-Steinitz Match, 1866
059 Ignäc Kolisch
060 Paris Tournament, 1867
062 Fraser-Steinitz Matches
062 Dundee Tournament, 1867
063 The Baden-Baden Tournament, 1870
067 Correspondence Competitions
069 Johannes Hermann Zukertort
074 Zukertort-Steinitz Match, 1872
075 Vienna Toumaments, 1873, 1882, 1898
079 Szymon Winawer
080 George Henry Mackenzie
083 The Mackenzie-Steinitz Match, 1883
084 Golmayo-Steinitz Matches, 1883, 1888
086 World Championship Matches
086 Steinitz-Zukertort Match, 1886
092 Steinitz-Chigorin Match, 1889
096 Isidor Gunsberg
098 Steinitz-Gunsberg Match, 1890/1891
099 Steinitz-Chigorin Match" 1892
102 Emanuel Lasker
105 Steinitz-Lasker Match, 1894
106 Steinitz- Lasker Match, 1896/1897
107 Mikhail Ivanovich Chigorin
112 Chigorin-Steinitz Telegraph Match
114 New York Toumaments, 1894, 1897
116 Hastings Toumament, 1895
118 Nuremberg Tournament, 1896
120 Cologne Tournament, 1898
120 Louis Paulsen
122 St. Petersburg Tournament, 1895-1896
124 Emanuel Stepanovich Schiffers
128 Schiffers-Steinitz Match, 1896
129 Simultaneous Exhibitions
Chapter 3: Chess Art: The Game And Discoveries
132 Predecessors
132 Franccis-Andre Danican Philidor
134 Alexander Dmitrievich Petroff
137 Louis-Charles Mahe de la Bourdonnais
139 Howard Staunton
140 Paul Charles Morphy
141 Attack
146 Aphorisms
147 Opening Discoveries
148 Ruy Lopez
148 Vienna Game
151 Scotch Game
152 Petroff's Defense
152 Evans Gambit
153 French Defense
154 Queen's Gambit Accepted
155 Defense
159 Health and Chess
160 Famous Games
161 Combinations
165 Composition
165 Loyd and Steinitz
167 Evaluation ofthe Position
167 Positional Principles
168 Defeats
169 Style
170 Endgame
175 Aesthetics
Chapter 4: Writer and Journalist
176 The Hoffer-Steinitz Ink War
177 Journalism
177 International Chess Magazine
178 The Book 0/ the Sixth Ameriean Chess Congress
179 The Modern Chess Instruetor
192 The Field
Chapter 5: Forever and Beyond
181 Epilogue
188 World Champions about Steinitz
190 Steinitz Memorial
192 Bibliography
194 Summary of Career Results
196 Player Index
197 Opening Index
198 ECO Index
Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 200

Produktet er en del av serien The World Chess Champion Series

En nesten forbausende verdifull serie bøker av de store russiske sjakkhistorikerne Isaak og Vladimir Linder, far og sønn. Serien har også gjennomgående korte, men essensielle partikommentarer av den dyktige tyske stormesteren Karsten Müller.

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