Nivå | B-D |
Utgivelsesdato | Desember 2016 |
Forfatter | |
Pris | 425 NOK |
World Chess Championship 1948
Paul Keres sin store bok om VM-turneringen i 1948 - som Botvinnik vant foran Smyslov, Keres, Reshevsky og Euwe - endelig for første gang på engelsk. Kasparov har erklært denne som en av tidenes beste sjakkbøker.
Denne nye engelske utgaven er en stor, tydelig og innbundet bok.
Alle partiene i den firedobbelte turneringen blir grundig, pedagogisk og ikke minst verbalt kommentert, sammen med forløpet av denne historiske turneringen. Her får vi kanskje mer enn noen gang se hvorfor Keres også regnes som en av tidenes fremste sjakkforfattere.
Forlagets egen omtale:
After the death of Alekhine in 1946, FIDE took charge of the World Chess Championship and it was resolved that the new World Champion should be decided by a tournament. Botvinnik, Smyslov, Reshevsky, Keres and Euwe fought for the crown. The outright winner was Mikhail Botvinnik.
Paul Keres spent several months after the tournament giving it a fitting tribute. The result is this epic work, one of the most highly acclaimed tournament books in the history of chess. Former World Champion Gary Kasparov said that it was one of the three best chess books ever written. He repeated his praise for this book in 2016. Boris Gelfand, who drew a match against Anand for the World Championship in 2012 is also full of praise for it.
Readers will very quickly see for themselves how Keres explains what is going on with exceptional clarity. The level of accuracy in his analysis is surprisingly high. Even with the strongest chess engines of today it is tough to crack his analysis.
The quality of the games coupled with Keres' unique analytical ability and his huge theoretical knowledge of all aspects of the game point the way to a richer understanding of practical chess.
PDF-utdragInnbundet? | Ja |
Type | Bok |
Språk | Engelsk |
Antall sider | 542 |
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